Tuesday, November 27, 2007

once upon a time

Tonight is the last night of a three day stay in Albany. Each night I put my three year old grandaughter to bed and she demands (in the nicest possible way) that I make up stories before she goes to sleep. When we lie in her bed, face to face, after a story she might say 'that was a really good story grannie' it makes me prouder than any mark that I got for a uni assignment. I love the opportunity she gives me to allow spontaneous stories to emerge from the unconscious. She never tires of the ever favourite opening line - Once upon a time.....When I say those few words her eyes widen and a look of joyful anticipation crosses her face just inches away from mine. Then for somewhere a name will emerge, a situation, one thing leads to another some of which bring a smile or laughter, always listening and interested. After a story comes to its conclusion she says, 'just one more grannie' and when I said my brain is empty she said her brain will fill mine up!


Carol Ryles said...

Hi Anudhara,

Nice to have you back. I've been away myself for a couple of days down at Eagle Bay. Back to the routine now.


Satima Flavell said...

Your little grandie has obviously inherited your imaginative gift, Anudhara:-) How lucky you are to be able to make up stories, especially ones that can be told in one sitting. Me, I dream up huge scenarios that would send Tolkien scurrying back into his hidey hole, and then I wonder why I can't write them down...

Do you think you will start writing when your studies are finished?

anudhara rolph said...

Thanks for your comments Carol and Satima. Yes Satima I do hope to write now I am a 'free woman'! Though what direction that writing will take I have no idea - for the time being I will keep in practice on the blog.