Monday, January 5, 2009

card for the day

A tightrope stretches from the beyond to the beyond. What does this mean? One ends stretches into infinity the other dissapears into nothingness. Where do they meet? And the figure on the tightrope - so balanced, so serene; neither looking too far ahead nor back to the past.

I look at this card from The Tao Oracle deck and wonder at its message for me this morning. There is a situation in my life that is reflected here. I do feel stretched between two poles. One one level I am here at home creating a life, a garden, painting pots, and the other pole is down in Albany where my two darling grandchildren live. Last night I drove back along the long Albany Highway, through the hazy heat, the washed out colours of a parched landscape, the highway itself like a tightrope over the land. So it is a delicate balancing act to stay centred. To look back can be dangerous, to look too far ahead -unbalancing.


Satima Flavell said...

Woo-hoo - so glad to see you blogging again, Anudhara. And I really empathise with you on the torn-between-two-places thing. I'm enjoying being back here in Mount Gambier, but I long to return to Perth, too!

anudhara rolph said...

thanks for your welcome back to blogworld! I hope to be a more consistant voice this year! March will soon be here and you will be back in your beloved west :-)